Mark Blokpoel

I’m Mark Blokpoel, and I am an assistant professor in the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at the Radboud University and member of the Computational Cognitive Science group at the Donders Institute. I am a computational cognitive scientist and I work at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology and language. I have a background in (theoretical) computer science and a PhD in cognitive science. In my work, I have three scientific themes: Inference in communication, Formal theory and Meta-methodology.

Inference in communication

The inference mechanisms required for flexible and creative communication are remarkably hard to computationally explain. By developing and analyzing computational-models of human communication, I make the limits of current computational understanding clear. A necessary step for advancing computational explanation of the hard problems in cognitive science.

Selected publication: Blokpoel, M., Wareham, T., Haselager, P., Toni, I., & van Rooij, I. (2018). Deep analogical inference as the origin of hypotheses. Journal of Problem Solving 11(1), 10.7771/1932-6246.1197.

Formal theory

Advancing computational explanation requires rigorous methodology. Mathematical, formal tools, critical reflection and analyses are necessary. Making these available to everyone in our discipline, regardless of their background, is essential.

Selected publication: Blokpoel, M. & van Rooij, I. (2021-2024). Theoretical modeling for cognitive science and psychology.


Computer simulations of formal theory are an important tool to understand the consequences of theoretical assumptions. They supplement the theoretician’s mind. I’ve developed mathlib, a programming framework to help write interpretable, provably correct implementations of computational-level models.

Selected publication: Blokpoel, M., (2024). mathlib: A Scala package for readable, verifiable and sustainable simulations of formal theory. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(99), 6049, 10.21105/joss.06049.